Emotional responsibility
Emotions are the reactions on something is taking place outside or inside you. To depress your emotions is equal to block the way off for the traffic of nuclear power into reactor. It blows up!
The responsibility is a capability of understanding the consequences for your every action ( thought, feeling, emotion, actions) and for every of your "not doing" action. You cannot be free of the responsibility, however we try really hard to throw it off. This is the magneto aim in your body ( your consciousness). It doesn`t matter whom you are trying to drop the responsibility on - the result of your actions and non- actions will stroke exactly you. Any your actions and non-actions have the destination point – YOU! Make your skin off but the result will strike exactly you, no matter what kind of body you use.
When you try to take others responsibility on yourself, the result will strike those people whom you were trying to “help” in such a way. And they will get the strong point to yell or beat you for such a help that wasn`t asked for.
Emotional responsibility is a capability of understanding the consequences your every emotion and feeling what you choose to experience: express, depress or transcendent it.
The human being has a freedom to choose what exact emotion and feeling or state to experience: express, depress or transcendent it. But we rare know about this function of ours.
So, there are some news you could miss or skip in your childhood:
You are not the hostage of emotional level. You are the Master. Emotions doesn`t own you. It is you who have the emotions. Emotions are the ship. Ship is going where you direct it. If you want to spoil your day just choose to be injured, irritable and you will succeed in coming into the harbor of “What a Suck Day!”
If you want to come into the harbor : “Great happy day!” you just need to choose to experience joy, tenderness and gratefulness. If aggressive emotions and feelings come – do not depress it, but comprehend (understand) its core and find fears and pain within these aggression. To understand and to transcendent your aggression feelings and states.
If what you want to manifest ( dreams, desires, purpose and needs) refers only to yourself (body, energy, space) – so fuck these sick others reactions and manipulations. They have nothing to do with your actions if your actions are concerned only with you one.
Fuck* - doesn`t matter. You understand that these “others” just want to feel good and pleasurable at your expense.
These sick others reactions and manipulations: - Irritating, offences, envy and jealousy, complaining of different kinds and many aggressive reactions as a disagreement to what you want to manifest and what refers only to you one!
- I want you to do some plastic. I want you to born me a child! You need to get a job and so on. – Here, you replace the responsibility of your personal happiness into other people. It`s like you say: I will be really happy only when you do what I want you to do! Because, I consider if you manifest MY (not yours) desires – it will be better for you!
The points when your desires refer only to you one:
- I want to move to another country at my own expense. I do not want to get married. I am gay.I want to be guitar-player, not office-worker.
So you do not have any reason to feel guilty for your desires and actions. Fuck up others sick reactions!
Fuck up!* - go away, fuck off. Skip it, understanding that these “others” just want to feel good and pleasurable at your expense.
If other person chooses to spoil her or his day with offences, contempt and irritating, just because you do not want to provide happiness and joy for him or her – so that is the responsibility of that person and has nothing to do with you.
For an example, you can hit the table screaming :Fuck you!!! Or, you can just say: You behavior is piecing me off! You can confess in your fear and pain, aggression and say simply about it. But you can also replace it with different manipulations. You can choose to say: It scares me! If to replace it with manipulation, you begin to yell and blame.
You exactly have the responsibility of what emotions and feelings, states to experience. What emotions and feelings to understand, to depress and to express outward. And the most important how exactly to express your emotional states and feelings: screaming, beating, manipulating with guilt or drawing, painting, singing and dancing.
If you have problems with emotional responsibility, the first attribute is the feeling of guilt and the fear to hurt. If you do not want to understand that another human being has the freedom to choose what emotions and feelings, states he wants to experience. If you consider some person stupid and not able to make decisions by himself refer to his emotional state - that is the real problem. If you consider yourself to bear other person responsibility for moods - that is the real problem.
- I am afraid to have a tattoo because my mother will be yelling.
- I do not get the divorce because my mother just love my husband (wife) .
- It will hurt my father if I confess that I do not want to get married and have children. (I am in a depression and do not why I am drinking alcohol all the time, .)
When we do not want to understand what it is the emotional responsibility, we ignored yourself or the others.
When you neglect yourself.
You are afraid to hurt (feeling yourself guilty) the others and don`t let yourself do what you want to do. You treat your life irresponsibly.
When you neglect the others
You want to get happiness and joy and use the others as instruments for it. You purposely do shit and meanness, irritate others otherwise day has passed for nothing. If you are in a bad mood you must be sure that those people around you are in a bad mood too! If they are still not - you will "help" them to spoil their good emotional state. So, it is no matter for you what the others feel and want to do - you just use them as instruments to get happiness and joy.
When you neglect yourself, you sharply define all your actions to the condition that the others incapable to understand themselves and accept different aggressive states.
Let`s get a closer look at the situation.
The mother offenses when I am talking to her directly with anger voice. When I tell her the truth it hurts her. I know, when I tell her the truth on her blaming and claims, she begin to scream that I am telling lie. That is why I am talking to my mother not very often. And when we are talking I am mostly trying to be silent in this conversation. And when I want to say something to my mother, I choose to tell her a lie for not to hurt her again.
We were taught that the most important thing in life is to be the GOOD PERSON. Now, we definitely know: to be yourself is very BAD! You need to be the GOOD PERSON!
When we are not able to understand that every person bear its on responsibility for its emotions and feelings to experience - so, we begin to show hypocrisies instead of respect. This mechanism is so strong!!! Try to see in with me: the more human (person) is dear to you the more you lie and choose to hide your true emotions and feelings for not to hurt the person you are so in love with. And we aware our love to these people who is dear to us, but all the time we try to keep the distance, because we always feel pressure next to them. So, when we are far from people we love and care we feel lightness, joy, happiness and freedom. And then we feel guilty for this. But the point not with the other people. The point is with you inability to understand that every person bear its responsibility for its emotions and feelings. If the person chooses to suffer, offence and to feel pain, so all you can do is to ask him:
- Why do you make exactly this choice? Why do you choose pain and suffering instead of understanding and gratefulness to the Universe for wisdom and experience within this lesson.
When you neglected the others and constantly are trying to hurt, humiliate, offence, and purposely to be rude toward them to spoil their good mood for yourself feel better: happy and joyful - you strike the preemptive attack. If you find out to be such a person, you just scare to be hurt and that is why you are trying to hurt others before they do it to you. As we often perceive the love feelings as weakness, we begin to defend ourselves and strike again and again those "loved one" to be strong and confident for their expense.
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